September 2021

September Newsletter

Picking blackberries in our garden

Picking blackberries in our garden

September seems to be going so fast with lots going on at nursery. We have welcomed lots of new families and children to the setting and waved goodbye to our pre-schoolers at the end of last month. We have been starting to explore Autumn with collecting blackberries and conkers, watching the leaves fall from the tress and enjoy those last bits of sunshine.

It has been so lovely welcoming parents back onto site. it really brings such a lovely feel back to the nursery and the staff have been able to share more of what the children do with you, as well as you seeing where they grow and play. Please remember we ask parents to wear masks when coming into nursery. Pre-school parents are asked to drop off children at the gate by the pre-school door but to come through the main nursery for collection. Toddlers are to use the main entrance for both drop off and collection and Babies are asked to buzz the camera for entry at the grey door as before. Early drop off slots please come to the main door for drop offs. When coming in for collection we ask that all doors and gates are closed behind you.

Please can we ask again that parents when driving into the nursery from the Saltford direction go around the roundabout and not across the traffic as our neighbours have witnessed near misses with cars doing this. Please also can cars drive slowly out of the drive way in case there are pedestrians walking by.

Please can we remind you to bring in a named water bottle or cup for your little one. We ask that these contain water only and all children bring their own individual cup.

Exploring conkers in the garden

Exploring conkers in the garden

Diary dates

Parents Evenings- Please book a slot with your child’s key person. These will be in nursery from 6.00pm-7.30pm on the following dates;

Thursday 30th September- Babies and Dragonflies

Monday 11th October- Butterflies and Pre-school

Please look out for fun days we have up and coming we will email soon with more details.

We have welcomed a few new staff this month to the nursery. Its always nice to extend our team. Our lovely admin Felicity will be leaving us towards the end of October as she ventures off to a new position as a personal assistant in a sixth from. Felicity has been with us over 2 years and we are so sad to see her go but we wish her all the luck with her new role.

Cutting herbs and leaves for potions

Cutting herbs and leaves for potions

Pre-school parents-

If your child turns 4 before the 31st August 2018 they will be going to school in September 2022. Please be aware that you will need to apply for your school place before January 2022. Please go on your local council website for more information and to find out when the applications open. Lots of open days at the local schools and show rounds will now be taking place.

Gloop play

Gloop play

Books of the month for September are;

Handa’s Surprise, Gingerbread Man and the hungry caterpillar

Books of the month for October are;

Room on the Broom, Owl babies and Meg and Mog.


Getting wet and muddy in the puddles!


October 2021


August 2021