March 2021

Hi Everyone,

March has already been a busy month at Nursery. We have lots planned and lots to look forward to! We have enjoyed the change in weather and have been getting outside as much as possible!

A few reminders

Please can we remind parents and carers that we need to be careful when driving into nursery. We ask parents to be considerate of speed especially when driving round the corner and into the car park. As well as parents walking to nursery, we also use outdoor areas for drop offs and pick ups. This means that these spaces can become busy.

Please can parents check with their children’s key person that their wellies and waterproof fit correctly. Please can we also remind parents to provide their child with a named water bottle each day and this is to contain water only.

At the beginning of March we opened our additional baby space in our building in the garden. Both the Baby Barn and Cottage have had a tidy and redecorate. We are pleased to share the photos of our beautiful baby spaces with you.

The Baby Barn

The Baby Barn

The Baby Cottage

The Baby Cottage


All staff have started our new way of observing which seems to be working well. Thank you for bearing with us whilst the staff get to grips with our new system. We have also started a new planning system which is going well in our Baby Rooms. This has just been introduced it to our Dragonflies Room too. We will be slowly training all staff and moving them over to the new planning in the next few months.

Our Books of the month have been The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Kipper.

Next month our stories are; The Three Little Pigs, Elmer and Rosie’s Walk.

This month we have;

Been celebrating World Book Day. Thank you to everyone for their fantastic costumes and effort. We all had such a fun day!

Sir Gadabout from Zog

Sir Gadabout from Zog





Butterflies dressed up for the fun!

Butterflies dressed up for the fun!

Babies exploring their new room

Babies exploring their new room

Butterflies observational drawings of daffodils

Butterflies observational drawings of daffodils

Den building in Grasshoppers

Den building in Grasshoppers

Making marks in playdough in pre-school

Making marks in playdough in pre-school

Dragonflies on World Book Day

Dragonflies on World Book Day

Things we will be celebrating this month-

Wednesday 17th March we will be celebrating Beep Beep Day and talking about road safety with the children. Children can dress up if they wish in traffic light colours.

Thursday 18th March is Global recycling day and we will be spending some time talking about recycling and the importance of looking after our planet.

Friday 19th March is Comic Relief. Children can come dressed up in pyjamas for a fun day. If you wish to give any change to Comic Relief we will have a bucket in the entrance. Alternatively you can use their just giving page if you wish online.


April 2021


January/February 2021