November 2020

Dressing up and exploring Autumn!

Welcome to our November Newsletter. It has been another busy month at Snapdragons, Keynsham!


What a busy month we have had!

Parents’ Evening took place at the beginning of the month. I know these were conducted slightly differently than before, but we understand it is still important to be able to have these catch ups with parents. I know some parents’ evenings have had to be rearranged. If you are still wanting to rearrange yours, or to book one, please let us know and we can try and accommodate this before the Christmas break.

Now the weather is taking a turn and becoming wet and cold please make sure you provide your child with the appropriate clothing. We do have some puddle suits at nursery but it is much easier if parents provide them if possible. Please check your child’s welly boots still fit and confirm with their key person as the children all grow so quickly! Hats and gloves will need to start coming in so we can ensure the children can access the outside as much as possible. Please make sure items are named.

Concept photography has been rearranged for Thursday 3rd December due to the recent lockdown. This will operate as per my previous post and will be outside with only the children who attend this session. If this can’t take place then I will send out an email to let all parents know. Please bring in a change of clothes for your child this day if you wish. The staff at Concept are going to try their best to get all orders back before Christmas.

Our learning over this month….

During October we looked at the books Owl Babies, Room on the Broom and Meg and Mog. The children loved exploring these books through storytimes and with different tuff trays, autumn experiences and, of course, dressing up for Spooky Spark week!

We are now well into our November planning and are looking at the books Goodnight Moon and Whatever Next!

Babies have been welcoming a few new babies to their group this month. They have been busy settling in and making lots of new friends! They have also been celebrating Diwali by exploring lots of colour and light activities and have had lots of walks under the trees in the pushchairs.


Both of our Toddler rooms have been quite creative this month! Younger Toddlers experimented outside with welly boot painting, painting with powder paint in puddles and have been doing lots of junk modelling! Sarah has also made different props for nursery rhymes as well as a song board so the children can choose which songs they would like to sing at circle time.

Older Toddlers have been making potions with coloured water, recreating the Whatever Next Story and exploring lots of Autumn resources such as big and small pumpkins and the natural treasures we find in the garden, like leaves and conkers.

They loved dressing up for Spooky Sparks with all the children embracing the costumes and face paint!


Pre School have had a great month! We have been doing some Autumn observational drawings, making our own “Owl Babies” and nests and witches’ homes for the characters in Room on a Broom.

The Nativity song practice is well underway at Keynsham. This year we are doing the Angel Express and all parents whose children are off to school in September will have been sent an email with instructions about filming your child singing their sent song.

I did send out a separate email regarding school spaces. Please remember you will need to apply for your child’s school place by January 2021 through your council’s website. If you need any help with this please speak to the office.


Christmas Lunch will take place on Wednesday 16th December along with Christmas Jumper day

Christmas Closure Dates- Friday 25th December until Sunday 3rd January.

Nursery will reopen as normal on Monday 4th January 2021.


December 2020


October 2020