October 2020


Monthly Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

What a busy month September was! We have loved welcoming everybody back into the nursery as well as welcoming lots of new families! The car park and entrances are busier than before! Just a reminder to please remain within the 2 metres distancing whilst waiting to use the hand washing station. On colder/wetter days this is being moved into the entrance. Please allow one parent in at a time. Thank you for adapting and your patience with this.

Now the weather is becoming wetter and then colder please make sure your child has appropriate clothing such as hats, gloves, coat, wellies etc; Please make sure items are named. Welly boots are now being used again. Please make sure these are replaced if you think they will no longer fit your little one.

Staff News

We have welcomed a few new members to the team. We have Tia who has joined us in Babies and then Sarah has joined our Dragonfly room. I know they are feeling very welcome and enjoying getting to know everyone.


Our FAQ’s and safer operating procedures are being regularly updated to ensure that we are following all guidance and keeping everyone as safe as we can. Both of these documents can be found on our website. Thank you for your continued support it really does mean a lot to us all.

It is important for us to try and minimise the exposure of children to other groups outside of their bubble and so encourage parents to only send their children to one setting if possible. In the event that this is not possible, you will need to complete the below agreement to allow us to monitor a child’s attendance cross-site.



We wanted to draw your attention to a new campaign from Public Health England (PHE) called Better Health – Every Mind Matters campaign. Most families have experienced some upheaval in their everyday lives during the pandemic and so PHE have provided these NHS-endorsed tips and advice to help children and young people’s mental wellbeing and to equip parents and carers with the knowledge to support them. There’s a range of advice from helping children with their return to school, through to sleep advice for younger children. We hope you find this helpful and of course if there is anything you find yourself needing further support with, please do let me (nursery manager) or key person know. You may also be interested in talking to Anna Gent, our Quality and Training Manager who is a trained Norland Nanny with a Maternity Practitioner qualification. She may be able to offer advice on sleep, mealtimes, challenging behaviour and establishing routines. You can #AskAnna in confidence at anna.gent@snapdragonsnursery.com.


Parents Evening

Thank you for the interest in our parents evening phone calls. Please remember to email us with your child’s name if you wish to be added to the call list. We will be looking at timings in the next few weeks and will email them out to everyone who has emailed their interest.

A reminder of the dates are as follows-

We will be holding 10-minute meetings over the phone, on separate evening's for each room, please see the below dates.

Monday 2nd November- Babies (Ladybirds)

Tuesday 3rd November- Younger Toddlers (Dragonflies) 

Wednesday 4th November- Older Toddlers (Butterflies)

Thursday 5th November- Pre-school (Beetles and Grasshoppers) 

The sessions will be from 6.00 pm - 7.30pm, they will be booked in consecutive order as we do not want staff members remaining on-site if there is no need to be.



Concept photography will be coming to Nursery on Thursday 13th November from 8am. This will be taking place in the garden. Unfortunately, due to the COV-ID restrictions this year we are unable to offer children who don’t attend this day a slot or siblings to come in. Children can still bring an additional outfit to wear. Children will be taken out in their bubble groups with cleaning taking place in between.

We normally celebrate our annual spooky spark night as we approach Halloween and Bonfire. Due to the COV-ID restrictions this will be unable to take place. However, we will still be doing creepy activities this month and if you wish please feel free to let your child come dress up in their spooky outfit during the week of Monday 26th October-Friday 30th October 2020.

Can we remind term time only parents that the half term week is approaching, and term time only children will be off Monday 26th October-Friday 30th October 2020.

Last Month…

We enjoyed lots of Autumn activities last month with collecting conkers, watching the leaves fall and playing lots outside.

This month we will be continuing with our Autumn activities and looking and talking about the books- Owl babies, Meg and Mog and Room on the Broom.


November 2020


July 2020