October 2019

Spooktacular Halloween Fun!

Throughout the nursery we have been having lots and lots of fun over the Halloween period. The children have loved being creative and carving pumpkins!

Babies, Toddlers and Preschool have all been showing off their artistic skills. They have all made some wonderful decorations for their halloween parties.

There have also been lots of other amazing Halloween activities happening.

We have had lovely storytimes, experimental potion making and a creepy crawlies hunt.

Not to mention some fantastic costumes for our Halloween parties!

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Thank you to everyone that joined in with our Hello Yellow day for World Mental Health Day.

This month we had a very special visit from Avon and Somerset Police.

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The children were able to explore the inside of their van, see the flashing lights, hear the sirens and even try on the police hats!


We would like to wish a very well done to Emma, Beth A and Nick who have all qualified to Level 3 this month!

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Another huge congratulations to Nick.

Not only has he completed his Level 3 apprenticeship, he has won the“Early Years Apprentice of the Year” award from Lifetime learner achievement awards!


Sadly we are saying goodbye to David this month. He is heading off on his travels to Australia before heading back to Spain. We wish you all the best with your future!

We would like to wish all the best to Georgia who is starting her maternity leave this month. Good luck with the new arrival and we hope to see you soon!


Lisa will be joining us next month as lunch cover in our baby rooms. She has lots of experience and is looking forward to starting here with us at Snapdragons Horfield.

Books of the month

The Books of the month for November are Whatever Next and Goodnight moon.

Dates for your diary…

04/11/2019 - Please join us from 5-6pm for hot chocolate and sparklers.

11th - 15th November is Children in Need fundraising week. We have a range of fundraisers happening throughout the week. Please join in with as much as you can for an absolutely amazing charity.

11/11/2019 - Name the Teddy.

12/11/2019 - Pyjama day.

13/11/2019 - Face painting day.

14/11/2019 - Superhero day.

15/11/2019 - Wear spots and a bake sale.


We have now received the proofs back from Concept Photography, please pop into the office to collect them.

With the new term fast approaching, we are sending out funding forms for children eligible for funding. These will also be in the office for collection.

With the weather becoming colder, can you please ensure that your child attends nursery with appropriate labelled cold weather clothing. Including winter coats, hats and gloves.

Snappy Superstars

Have you noticed a practitioner going above and beyond, have you been impressed by a practitioners amazing story reading skills, does your child come home always talking about the same practitioner, do you love how well the team work together... Seen any of this going on? why not share this on our Snappies Superstar page and nominate an outstanding practitioner or team. Click on the big flashing star on any page of our website.


September 2019


June 2019