Snapdragons Nursery

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Photo galleries return!

When we updated our website last year, one of the things lost in the shuffle were our extensive photo galleries. Moving to a updated site meant that the galleries didn't quite work as they did before, so we instead had to cycle the albums on display, meaning that hordes of our favourite photos were lost to time after just a few short weeks.

We've heard your feedback though and you wanted the galleries back! So, we've worked tirelessly to find a solution and now have one. The galleries now operate almost identically to how they did before, so no more disappearing - the albums will be persistent.

The actual albums themselves are hosted via each nursery's private Google Photos account. This is the same account that we use for sharing our photos between devices and then uploading to Parent Zone, whilst at nursery. It is completely secure and the photo rights are owned by Snapdragons, not Google.

Feel free to head over to your nursery's page now and view their photos. We'll be adding more and more over the coming weeks, as we capture all of the fantastic moments of magic during your child's day. We hope you enjoy the new galleries!