Snapdragons Nursery

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January 2024

This month has been a busy month as we have started the year with a bang! Celebrating story telling week and Burns night!


Babies have had lots of frosty fun in the garden, stomping around on the frost covering the grass and sharing lots excitement and smiles sliding down the icy slides. We have enjoyed a variety of messy play; making paint prints with wellies and animals. As well as developing our selfhelp skills pratising our pouring.


Toddlers have been working on their physical development and counting recently using the hopscotch to help. We have also been talking about different shapes and matching them on the tray. Toddlers have been talking about the habitats that different animals live in, exploring this in the beach tuff tray.

Rising 3

This week we made banana muffins! We measured all the ingredients, mixed them together and waited for them to cook with Nick our chef. We also made spider webs as lots of our children are really interested in Spiderman. We made the webs out of glue and paint, we had to let it drip on to the paper and make a pattern. We also made lots of different coloured volcanos!


Preschool have had a busy month we have been practicing our yoga, teaching each other new ways of balancing and making different movements with our bodies. They have been exploring shapes in different ways, playing hide and seek with different shapes around the garden and having a shape hop game where moved in different ways; jumping, running and tip toe to the correct shapes.
Due to the wet month of January we also spent lots of time splashing in the muddy puddles we decided to make some muddy paint to create our footprint outside.

We also celebrated storytelling week and have been acting out our favourite stories and creating puppets. We made our own porridge to taste adding different ingredients to make it just right for us, some of us needed to add more honey and mash the banana to make it smooth.

Sign Of The Month for February


Parent News and Reminders

OFSTED - We are delighted to tell you that we have now recieved our report for our OFSTED inspection back in November. We are so happy to announce that we were graded ‘Good.’

You can access and read our report by following the below link.

Snapdragons Nursery Keynsham - Open - Find an Inspection Report - Ofsted

Nursery Carpark - Can we please remind parents that they must be going around the roundabout to access the nursery building if they are approaching from the Saltford area. Please also remember that we must be watching our speed when approaching as there may be families leaving the carpark during this time.

Maintence and Renovation Work - We are now nearing the end of the renovation work and we really appriciate all your support and flexibility you have shown during this work being completed. We are now hopefully on the final month of work and are hoping that the scaffolding will be taken down by the spring.

Spare Clothes - Please can we remind parents to ensure that they provide labelled spare clothes for their children’s day at nursery. Unfortunately sometimes accidents happen and we are required to change childrens clothes and are currently finding children do not have any spares to change into.

Food - Can we please remind parents that they are not to bring food on site. We are noticing alot of parents are bringing their children snacks onto site and we have alot of children who have dietaries which we are finding is hard to manage when parents are bringing food on site.

Love the Keynsham Team x