Snapdragons Nursery

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February 2023

Welcome to this months newsletter where we look back on the month of February, sharing all the events that have been celebrated and showing you a snippet of the lovely activities we have been up too!

Baby Cottage

The Baby Cottage have enjoyed celebrating pancake day by exploring some lemon scented playdoh with raisins in, they had lemons to squeeze on top too! Some of them even tried tasting the sour fruit….I can not say anyone was a huge fan! The train tracks have been a favourite this month in the Cottage, lots of the babies have been trying to put the pieces together themselves to build the tracks. We have also been using the guttering to explore playing with it in different ways, rolling balls down it, and pushing cars down it too! We have also really enjoyed playing peek-a-boo!

Baby Barn

The Baby Barn has been very busy this month! We have been doing lots of activities and learning. We made some pretend pancakes, using play dough to celebrate pancake day. We also made some Valentines paintings. The babies have enjoyed sharing sensory experiences, with lights and bubbles. We have been enjoying music and movement by doing song bags, and lots of sing and sign. Now that the weather is slightly warming up, we have been out in the garden on the trikes in the garden! In other news, the Baby Barn has had a little change around, to promote an enabling environment which suit the children’s individual needs.


Toddlers have been creating heart shaped biscuits for Valentines day and pretending to make pancakes to celebrate pancake day! The toddlers also enjoyed partaking in Forest school using natural resources to create paintbrushes and using mud as paint to create masterpieces. Our Sensory room has now had a revamp too, you may have noticed that we have enhanced the environment! This room is now a Schema room, to support the children’s schematic play inviting the children play with open ended resources with lots opportunities to explore them different ways.

Rising 3’s

February has been a busy month for Rising Three’s. We celebrated many special days including Valentine’s Day by creating Welsh love spoons, eating yummy pancakes on Pancake day and learning about the importance of oral health for Children’s Mental Health Week. We have enjoyed playing with our new garden resources and created pirate bottles which included a special written note inside. Rising threes have also taken an interest in role play as we played shops, using coins to pay for different items!

Parent News Reminders and Events
This month we have a jam packed month as we celebrate lots of different celebrations and occasions. These include ;
⁃ World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March - please bring along your favourite book to share and if you wish dress as your favourite book character! Remember to collect your free book token from the office too!
⁃ Holi on Wednesday 8th March - please bring a white too or spare clothes that you don’t mind getting colourful as we celebrate with music, dance and lots of powder paint.
⁃ Red Nose Day Friday 17th March - feel free to wear something red as we raise money for Red Nose Day this year!
⁃ Mothers Day - Monday 20th March - we want to treat our Mummies, Grandmas, Mamas and all our wonderful women in our lives with a breakfast croissant during drop off - please let us know if you would like a morning treat and so we can ensure we have enough for all!
⁃ World Down Syndrome Day - Tuesday 21st - Thursday 23rd March - please feel free to wear your stand out socks during these days. The children will also be planting sunflowers at the start of March - Please bring a £1 so you can take home your sunflower and continue to watch it grow!
⁃ Wild Club - Wednesday 30th March - we are super lucky to have Tim and Nat our forest school leaders run a wild club at Keynsham this year - this will be a chance for you to join in with some forest school activities with your children - unfortunately this will be a limited event so will require your name to be on the list to attend. Please let us know in the office if you would like to attend and we can add your name to the list.
⁃ Easter - We will be holding our annual Easter egg hunt across the week of 10th April, more information will follow soon!

Sign Of The Month


Books Of The Month

  • Three Billy Goats Gruff

  • Kipper

Staff News

Over the month of March we will be saying goodbye to a few faces.
Sian our admin will unfortunately be leaving us to embark on a new adventure working for the MOD.

Megan in our Baby Room is also taking on a new adventure and will be leaving childcare completely.

Emily in our Rising 3s Room will also be moving a little closer to home.

However as we say goodbye we are lucky enough to say hello and welcome some lovely new additions to our team.

Our new additions to the team are;

  • Kathryn has joined our Rising 3 room, she will be working Monday-Thursday morning.

  • Hannah who has also joined our Rising 3 room as our lunchtime assistant.

  • Sophie who has joined the Baby Barn team and will be working Monday - Thursday morning.

  • Maxine who will be joining the admin team. Maxine will working Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Please pop in and introduce yourself and be aware that authorisation may take a little while longer for you to access the building as she starts to remember and know all your faces.

  • Libby who will be joining the Baby Barn team and will be working Monday and Tuesday.

Love the Keynsham Team x