Snapdragons Nursery

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October 2023

Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter, we have certainly seen a variety of weather over the last few weeks, however this did not stop our children or staff from having fun adventures throughout the nursery.

Baby Cottage

’Beep beep’ starting with our babies who have enjoyed spending as much time as possible outside, playing on the swing and the bikes in particular!
They have also really loved our sensory lights and getting stuck into messy play activities too.


Stomping our way over to our toddlers who have been making some crazy colourful monsters by splatting paint spots. When they hit their spoon they all shouted “splat” and watched to see what monsters appeared on their paper!
Toddlers have also been using natural resources to make cakes in the garden, they all worked together to hunt and gather mud, sand, sticks and grass. They took it in turns to add different ingredients to the bowl, would anybody like to try a cake?

Rising 3’s

Zooming over to our Rising 3’s who have loved visiting space week this month, looking through exciting new space books and learning all about space. They then had the challenge of creating their own rockets to blast off over to the moon tray, following on by practising their fine motor skills creating space pictures and exploring play doh by adding different materials for stars and planets.
Our Rising 3’s have also recently been showing great interest in shapes, so we headed out to our garden to take part in game of shape hop!


Stepping over to our preschoolers who have loved being outdoors starting with an obstacle course thinking of different ways to move including balancing, jumping and spinning. They then took part in a bug hunt, which made great obstacle drawings. Lastly they headed out into our front garden for a conker hunt, which were great to practice our counting and make great messy play tools too.

Sign of the month


Parent News and Reminders

Preschool Parents - Hopefully preschool parents should have now received their Banes school admission letter, if you have not yet received this from our admin Max, please visit us know in the office as we will have them waiting for you.

Spooky S’mores - Wednesday 1st November 5:30pm-7:00pm. Squishy snacks, creepy costumes and ghoulish games. This will be an opportunity for you and your child/children to join our Forest School Leader, Nat, alongside our fire to make some yummy s’mores. Please be mindful when driving into the nursery, being aware that the car park may also be fairly busy.

Concept Photography - Thursday 2nd November and Friday 3rd November. If your child does not attend these days then please let us know in the office if you would like to book in to have your photos taken. Just in time for Christmas too!

Preschool Nativity - DATE CHANGE. Friday 15th December we are looking forward to starting our Nativity rehearsals in the coming weeks, more information will follow.

Christmas Parties - Dates to be confirmed. Christmas activities, fun and games within your child's room.

Christmas Dinner Day - Wednesday 20th December.

Christmas Break - The last day we will be open is Friday 22nd December 2023 and we look forward to welcoming everyone back Tuesday 2nd January 2024. Dates may change for term time only children.